Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Mara (Rumänien) (ex-BAB)

03.12.2016, 22:22

Mara (Rumänien)
Alter:20 JahreSprache(n):Deutsch (mäßig), Englisch (gut)
Körpergröße:1,61 m - 1,65 mStatur:Schlank

Preis: Dauer:
Service:Sex mit Kondom (GVM), Blasen ohne Kondom, Zungenküsse, Küssen, GirlFriendExperience (GFE)

03.12.2016, 22:24
I've met Mara in Babylon, on 24 Nov.

In the evening, I approached her in her sofa for a (very) long talk, hugs and massages. She was in a very cool relax mode (drinking her cola, smoking, texting), after more than one hour, I don't know if she understood that I have « chosen » her. By the way, I express my wish, before to go further. We continued to talk for long time, singing Spanish songs, etc.

She told she's sometimes very selective, often declining clients if she doesn't feel !

She's now 20, roumanian but she has worked in Antwerp (that's why she speaks Flemish), and quite slim format, but huge boobs. :biggrin:

Finally in the room, I sat on the bed and she started a very nice blowjob, while opening her legs. Later, I've visited and licked her pussy, a must.
After some « dangerous » games, touching each other, kissing tenderly, she cried « Durex » to continue in missionary and alternative !

This meeting was a must, the feeling was so good, and there's big chance I should meet her again, for sure ! :smiley5:

hector the clubinspector
19.04.2018, 20:47
==> Schon lange Zeit wieder zürück nach Antwerpen (Belgien)...