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29.03.2017, 19:54

Tania (Rumänien)
Alter:21 JahreSprache(n):Englisch (gut)
Haarfarbe:HellbraunHaarlänge:Mittellang (Glatt)
Körpergröße:1,76 m - 1,80 mStatur:Schlank

Preis:100 EuroDauer:60 Minuten
Service:Sex mit Kondom (GVM), Blasen ohne Kondom, Küssen, GirlFriendExperience (GFE), Lecken, AfterSexTalk (AST), PreSalesTalk (PST)
Zusatzinfo:Topmodell Style. Sie war schon im Samya tätig.

21.05.2017, 22:17
I've met Tania on 17 April, it was Easter time, that day...

For my first visit in Six Sens, I saw about 15 girls maximum. My first contact with Tania was not that easy, saying hello at the bar, she replied me, but so cold, no smile ! I was wondering if it was a good choice to insist.

After a certain while, I was sitting in front of her sofa, and I invited her to join me, and finally, with a smile, she invited me on « her » sofa.

This Romanian half blond and long hair, « top model » style, very tall (about 180cm), and tiny cup A, has a very pretty face.

At the sofa, she told me she was « traditional » girl (no kiss, no extra, etc.) while I was touching very softly her legs (she liked very much).

Once in room, she was very kind, attentive to my requests (positions), nice blowjob, strange (but nice) feeling to be sucked by a top-model-like. :eek:

During 30 minutes, classical session with very nice feeling and sensations. :)

After, we alternatively took a shower, in the room. Nice moment, too ! For « romantics » and delicate men, I recommend, ... for the other men (dominant and macho), I wouldn't...