Archiv verlassen und diese Seite im Standarddesign anzeigen : Samy (Rumänien) (ex-GT)

04.04.2017, 11:26
Nationality / languages ​​spoken: Presented as italian, coming from a city (Braciala?) that does not exist "near Rome", she is more likely romanian / english ok
Age: 18 years old
Face: Rather cute, she makes me think of Garfield :biggrin:, eyes half closed and a little globose
Hair: Brown
Height: Average
Chest: Not very pretty, teenish, still growing :green_smile:
Silhouette / body: Pretty overall, saw her naked changing, my blood has turned on!
Tattoos - Piercings: Nothing in my memory
Blowjob: Excellent, sweet and varied, beautiful work! :applaus:
Cunni: Yes, she appreciates silently and closes her eyes, i did not linger
Kissing: Yes, in a professional register
Other characteristics: Ex Simina at PHG, 3/4 months.
She pinched me 5 minutes, and assured me to be in a day "without"...
In short, recidivism quite unlikely if it is to repeat the exact same session, despite her strong aptitude to the BJ.

25.11.2017, 10:14
==> LR