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Jules (Rumänien)
Alter:34-37 JahreSprache(n):Englisch (gut)
Haarfarbe:BraunHaarlänge:Mittellang (Glatt)
Körpergröße:1,66 m - 1,70 mStatur:Normal
Preis:75 EuroDauer:30 Minuten
Service:Sex mit Kondom (GVM), Blasen ohne Kondom, Zungenküsse, FT, GirlFriendExperience (GFE)
Irgendwann später sass ich dann in einem Haufen blutjunger, hübscher Rumäninnen. Aber keine löste in mir den Habenwollen Reflex aus. Schuld daran war Jules meine derzeitige Blowjob Queen im Samya. 38 Jahre, keine doofen Plateautreter.Neben ihr verblassen einfach die jungen Dinger... wenn man weiss, was man von ihr erwarten kann. Sex und zelebrierte Erotik, die greifbar, spürbar ist.
Schon im Stehen gibts Zungenküsse. Gegenseitiges Ausziehen. Körperküsse.. sie geht in die Knie und fängt an zu lutschen.. Das wollte ich nach ein paar Minuten auch im Liegen geniessen und sagte ihr dabei: "Suck me off.. swallow.. " und sie antwortet sofort: "Yes.. " und lächelte mich dabei an. Ein phantastisches Blaskonzert in allen Variationen.. mit Deep Throateinlagen, was bei meinem Kleinen auch nicht schwer ist ;) Hände und Finger braucht sie nicht dabei, ausser zur zusätzlichen Stimulation zwischendurch. Es landete alles in ihrem Mund - ich habe nicht bemerkt, dass sie was ausgespuckt hat und sie leckt mich dann auchnoch sauber.. Perfekt :)
Fazit Jules: Wenn Blow Job im Samya, dann Jules :)
19.08.2015, 01:35
Her level of service barely reaches Laufhaus average level. Which is not a compliment... This girl doesn't like her job and makes nothing to hide it in the room.
Let's look at her link from the site:
ZK? (french kiss): Lie. Small and ridiculous tiny kisses from the extremity of the lips...
Massage: Jules doesn't caress even, or very few, all what she can do in foreplays is licking tits. Nothing more. Wow i'm impressed...
Schmusen: No way, she is distant all the time.
FO: Yeah she didn't put the condom for doing it. A very bad and weak blowjob (no depth, short duration, no rythm variation, mechanical, zero enthusiasm like for the rest...) which was very painful in more, i almost had to stop her as she sucks on a disastrous and unpleasant way...
Rollenspiele: Yeah, she is playing the mummy and you the client the guy who will have to deal with it...
Beffen? Ja... with a pussy full of chemical product and remaining indifferent (Jules, one advise, do like other girls: simulation at least!), insensitive girl....
Poor closeness, she is focused to keep distance every time, during the foreplays, during the sex. no way for any exchange or complicity. The illusion aspect was unexisting, everything is mechanical and done with reluctancy without involvement, without motivation, without talent.
She is passive during the sex and just waits it passes... with the only advantage to not break your balls for finishing quickly as a certain Bria does... you fuck alone an inflatable doll, you are alone during the process... so funny!!! No way to enjoy in such conditions...
No surprise, no initiative, no intensity, zero technic, doesn't participate, sexually speaking it is a calamity. During the sex she is passive and inactive, can't move even normally in cow girl so had to ask changing position quickly.
Globally in the room she does the very minimum and is skillfull in NOTHING. This session had zero interest nor good point.
Jules has red hairs, blue eyes and seems not antipathic during the (short) social time in club.
It is not given to everybody to be a prostitute and in more able to satisfy her client. Jules This girl is not done for doing this job and has nothing to do in a club which normally should provide good level of service which is on average far from being the case of SAMYA. The fact a club can keep inside their system such numbskull with a shameful service shows they don't care at all of their service provided to the clients.
Sex-approval: 2/10
Service level: BAD
Jules has red hairs, blue eyes and seems not antipathic during the (short) social time in club.
I'm in doubt, that you really fucked Jules ;) Red hair and blue eyes??????
Kind regards
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